Welcome to my personal blog Anything About IT where I write about anything that crosses my mind and that I find worth sharing with others.
My name is Alex Verboon, born in 73 in The Hague. These days I live in Switzerland in the area of Zurich with my wife and 2 sons.
I have been working in IT for about 30 years now. I first started working with an IBM/PS2 computer running Windows 2.0. Next I somehow found my way into programming at ABB, first with dBase, later i moved on to Clipper, yeah I know for some that isn’t a real programming language :-). At about the same time I also ended up taking care of the departments local Novell based Network, Lotus Notes Server and the clients. A few years later the small clipper based applications gained more importance to the company, so they had to be ported to a more robust system, Oracle it was, so I’ve then spend a few good years dealing with Oracle Databases as well. I then moved into the companies’s central IT department, where I ended up managing the 4000 desktops the company had at the time. Our IT department then got outsourced to Digital, which was bought by Compaq and another merger got me at HP where I worked until 2012. While being at HP i-ve worked for a number of fortune 500 companies as a Technical Consultant and Competence Center lead, helping customers with workplace migrations and transformations. From March 2013 – May 2018 I worked for Swiss Re as the Head of Workpalce Product Integration and later as Senior IT Workplace Architect & Engineer. Since August 2018 I work as a Cyber Security Consultant @ baseVISION a Microsoft Gold Partner based in Switzerland helping customers to improve their IT Workplace security by working with people, processes and products.
A complete resume can be found on LinkedIn