Use PowerShell to find all collections where the specified device has a membership

Yesterday I deployed a computer with ConfigMgr and then wondered why it got certain software installed. And so another script was born.

The Get-CMCollectionOfDevice command retrieves all collections where the specified device has a membership


The Script can be downloaded from here

    Get-CMCollectionOfDevice retrieves all collections where the specified device has a membership

    The Get-CMCollectionOfDevice retrieves all collections where the specified device has a membership

    The name of the computer device

    Example: Client01

    The Configuration Manager Site Code

    Example: PRI

    The computer name of the Configuration Manager Site Server

    Example: Contoso-01

    Get-CMCollectionOfDevice -Computer Client01

    CollectionID                  Name                          Commnent                      LastRefreshTime             
    ------------                  ----                          --------                      ---------------             
    SMS00001                      All Systems                   All Systems                   14.10.2014 14:25:57         
    SMSDM003                      All Desktop and Server Cli... All Desktop and Server Cli... 14.10.2014 14:30:02         
    PR100011                      ALL Contoso  Workstation Lim. Limiting collection used f... 14.10.2014 16:37:53         
    PR100014                      Zurich                        Location Zuerich              14.10.2014 14:45:53         

    The above command lists all collections where computer Client01 is a member of. The default
    parameter values for SiteCode and SiteServer defined in the script are used. 

    Get-CMCollectionOfDevice -Computer Client01 -SiteCode PRI -SiteServer Contoso-01
    The above command lists all collections where computer Client01 is a member of within the
    Configuration Manager site PRI connecting to Site Server Contoso-01

    Version 1.0 , Alex Verboon
    Credits to Kaido Järvemets and David O'Brien for the code snippets

function Get-CMCollectionOfDevice
        # Computername

        # ConfigMgr SiteCode
        [String]$SiteCode = "PRI",

        # ConfigMgr SiteServer
        [String]$SiteServer = ""
    [string] $Namespace = "root\SMS\site_$SiteCode"

    Write-Progress -Activity "Retrieving ResourceID for computer $computer" -Status "Retrieving data" 
    $ResIDQuery = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace $Namespace -Class "SMS_R_SYSTEM" -Filter "Name='$Computer'"
    If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ResIDQuery))
        Write-Output "System $Computer does not exist in Site $SiteCode"
    $Collections = (Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Class sms_fullcollectionmembership -Namespace $Namespace -Filter "ResourceID = '$($ResIDQuery.ResourceId)'")
    $colcount = $Collections.Count
    $devicecollections = @()
    ForEach ($res in $collections)
        $colid = $res.CollectionID
        Write-Progress -Activity "Processing  $si / $colcount" -Status "Retrieving Collection data" -PercentComplete (($si / $colcount) * 100)

        $collectioninfo = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace $Namespace -Class "SMS_Collection" -Filter "CollectionID='$colid'"
        $object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
        $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "CollectionID" -Value $collectioninfo.CollectionID
        $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value $collectioninfo.Name
        $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Commnent" -Value $collectioninfo.Comment
        $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "LastRefreshTime" -Value ([Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($collectioninfo.LastRefreshTime))
        $devicecollections += $object
} # end check system exists


5 Replies to “Use PowerShell to find all collections where the specified device has a membership”

  1. You can right-click on a Device in the console and select properties. Under the Deployments tab you can see everything that is targeted to it.

  2. Really awesome. Thanks a lot Alex

    Do you happen to have developed something similar to looking up membership of a single user?

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