I just found out that meanwhile (since October last year) the Rest API for wordpress now also works on self-hosted wordpress sites. So i can now access the content of my blog through PowerShell.
$posts = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/www.verboon.info/posts/?number=50" $posts.posts | Select-Object @{"Name" = "Title";"e"= {($_.Title)-replace "–","-"}}, @{"Name" = "Date"; "Expression" = {get-date ($_.Date) -Format "yyyy-MMM-dd"}} | ft
More details abou the WordPress Rest API can be found here
Cool, another way to query wordpress data using powershell against XML RPC API.
ping back from http://www.pstips.net/using-the-wordpress-rest-api.html