ConfigMgr PowerShell Script to check if Application or Program is allowed to run in TS without being deployed

Kind of a long title for a blog post, but I could not come up with something shorter to describe the content of this blog post. The below script shows the status of the “Allow this Application / program to be installed from the Application / program install task sequence action without being deployed” setting.




    Get Application and Package - Program information regarding Task Sequence support
   The script checks all applications and packages if they are allowed to be installed from a TS without being deployed
   Get-TSInstallEnabled -Site Lab
    Version 1.0
    Written by Alex Verboon


    # ConfigMgr Site
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    [String[]] $Site

if ($Site.Length -eq 0)
     Throw "ConfigMgr Site code required"
    $SiteCode = $Site

function Get-TSInstallEnabled ()

# Check that youre not running X64
if ([Environment]::Is64BitProcess -eq $True)
     Throw "Need to run at a X86 PowershellPrompt"
# Load ConfigMgr module if it isn't loaded already
if (-not(Get-Module -name ConfigurationManager))
    Import-Module ($Env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH.Substring(0,$Env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH.Length-5) + '\ConfigurationManager.psd1')
# Change to site
Set-Location ${SiteCode}:

    function Get-AppTSInfo()
    $Apps = @() 
    foreach ($Application in Get-CMApplication)
        $AppMgmt = ([xml][/xml]$Application.SDMPackageXML).AppMgmtDigest
        $AppName = $AppMgmt.Application.DisplayInfo.FirstChild.Title
        $AllowTs =  $AppMgmt.Application.AutoInstall
        $object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
        $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Application Name" -Value $Appname

        if ($AllowTs -ne "true") {$AllowTs = "false"}

        $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Allowed TS Install" -Value $AllowTs
        $Apps += $object

    Function Get-PackageTSInfo()
    $Progs = @() 
    foreach ($Prog in Get-CMProgram)
        $ProgName = $Prog.ProgramName
        $PackageName = $prog.PackageName
        $AllowTs = $Prog.ProgramFlags -band [math]::pow(0,0)
        $object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
        $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Program Name" -Value $ProgName
        $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Package Name" -value $Packagename

        if ($AllowTs -ne "1") {$AllowTs = "false"} Else {$AllowTs = "true"}

        $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Allowed TS Install" -Value $AllowTs
        $Progs += $object

Get-AppTSInfo | Format-Table -AutoSize 
Get-PackageTSInfo | Format-Table -AutoSize 


Additional Information

One Reply to “ConfigMgr PowerShell Script to check if Application or Program is allowed to run in TS without being deployed”

  1. Hi,

    Great script! I have a requirement to enable this setting if it isn’t already enabled. How would I go about that? we have an environment with around 200 applications, none of which have this option checked and I am implementing a UDI wizard deployment and require this checkbox.


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