ConfigMgr 2012 Script for Incremental Collection threshold

As described within the ConfigMgr 2012 Best Practices Wiki on TechNet it’s recommended to keep the number of collections with incremental updates enabled to around 200, this to prevent evaluation delays. So I thought it might be a good idea to keep an eye on collections with incremental updates enabled within our infrastructure using a PowerShell script.

The property RefreshType within the SMS_Collection WMI class defines how Configuration Manager refreshes the collection. According to the documentation on MSDN the property can have the following 3 values.

Value Description
1 Manual
2 Periodic

But while looking at the data returned by the PowerShell Cmdlet i noticed that there were also collections with a value of 6. As it turns out, when a collection has incremental updates enabled but no schedule the value is 4.


But when both incremental updates and a schedule is enabled the value is 6.


Therefore the list of possible values should be as following.

Value Description
1 Manual
2 Periodic

The following script uses the ConfigMgr CmdLets Get-CMDeviceCollection and Get-CMUserCollection to retrieve Device and User Collections that have incremental updates enabled.

# Import the Configuration Manager PS Module (You must have the Admin Console installed for this to work)

import-module  ($Env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH.Substring(0,$Env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH.Length-5) + '\ConfigurationManager.psd1')

# Connect to the Primary Site
cd  POC:
# list all collections that have RefreshType set to 4 or 6
$A  = Get-CMDeviceCollection | Select-Object Name, RefreshType | Where-Object {$_.RefreshType -eq 4 -or $_.RefreshType -eq 6} | Format-Table
$b  = Get-CMDeviceCollection | Select-Object Name, RefreshType | Where-Object {$_.RefreshType -eq 4 -or $_.RefreshType -eq 6} | measure
write-host  "Total Device Collections with dynamic update enabled " $b.count

# list all collections that have RefreshType set to 4 or 6
$a  = Get-CMUserCollection | Select-Object Name, RefreshType | Where-Object {$_.RefreshType -eq 4 -or $_.RefreshType -eq 6} | Format-Table
$b  = Get-CMUserCollection | Select-Object Name, RefreshType | Where-Object {$_.RefreshType -eq 4 -or $_.RefreshType -eq 6} | measure
write-host  "Total User Collections with dynamic update enabled " $b.count

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