Just recently I went through the CM12 Console Task Sequence media creation wizard several times a day, so at some point I thought, this is a good candidate for automation.
If you have CU1 for SCCM 2012 SP1 already installed, you can take advantage of the new cmdlet New-CMTaskSequenceMedia Below an example.
import-module ($Env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH.Substring(0,$Env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH.Length-5) + '\ConfigurationManager.psd1') cd NL1: New-CMTaskSequenceMedia -BootableMediaOption -MediaInputType CDDVD -ProtectPassword $false -BootImageId NL100002 -DistributionPointServerName labsccm01.labhome.local -ManagementPointServerName labsccm01.labhome.local -MediaMode Dynamic -MediaPath C:\Sources\TSMedia\batchcreatedmedia1.iso -MediaSize SizeUnlimited -EnableUnknownSupport $false -CreateMediaSelfCertificate $true -AllowUnattendedDeployment $false -UserDeviceAffinity DoNotAllow
If you haven’t installed CU1 yet, no worries. the command line tool CreateMedia.exe located in the SCCM Administrator Console’s bin directory does the same thing.
@echo off "c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\i386\CreateMedia.exe" /K:boot /P:labsccm01.labhome.local /S:NL1 /D:LABSCCM01.LABHOME.LOCAL /L:Configuration Manager 2012 /U:True /J:False /Z:False /5:0 /X:SMSTSLocationMPs=http://labsccm01.labhome.local /B:NL100002 /T:CD /F:C:\Sources\TSMedia\batchcreatedmedia2.iso
A detailed description of the command line options available for CreateMedia.exe is documented here.
All Task Sequence Media creation task activities are logged here:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\AdminUILog\CreateTsMedia.log"