For years I have been using the following script from myITforum to list Task Sequence Environment Variables and Values
Set oTSEnv = CreateObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment")
For Each oVar In oTSEnv.GetVariables
WScript.Echo oVar & "=" & oTSEnv(oVar)
Because there are so many variables, the only useful way to use the script is to pipe the output into a file, then open that file and search for the variable and its value.
So I have created the created the script below that can do the following:
- List both the System and Task Sequence variables
- If you provide no command line option, all system environment variables and task sequence variables are listed.
cscript ts_var.vbs - If you provide the first letter, all system environment variables and task sequence variables starting with that letter are listed
cscript ts_var.vbs P - If you write the first letters of a variable only those environment variables and task sequence variables matching these letters are listed.
cscript ts_var.vbs Processor
Copy the below script into a file and save it as TS_var.vbs, then store the file into a location where you can access it while running an MDT or SCCM Task Sequence such as the <DeploymentShare>\Scripts folder.
On error resume next
Set wshShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell")
Set env = wshShell.Environment("System")
Set env1 = CreateObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment")
If Err Then
wscript.echo "TS Environment not availble"
wscript.echo "The script can only be used while the Task Sequence components are loaded"
End if
If Wscript.Arguments.Count = 0 Then
wscript.echo "No first letter(s) of variable provided so showing all"
wscript.echo "list all environment variables"
For Each strItem In env
WScript.Echo strItem
wscript.echo "list all TS variables"
For each v in env1.GetVariables
WScript.Echo v & " = " & env1(v)
If Wscript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then
If Len(Varletter) = 1 Then
wscript.echo "list all environment variables starting with: " & Varletter
For Each strItem In env
If Ucase(Left(strItem,1)) = Ucase(Varletter) Then
WScript.Echo strItem
End if
wscript.echo "list all TS variables starting with: " & Varletter
For each v in env1.GetVariables
If Ucase(Left(v,1)) = Ucase(Varletter) Then
WScript.Echo v & " = " & env1(v)
End if
wscript.echo "list variable: " &Varletter
For Each strItem In env
If Ucase(Left(strItem,varlen)) = Ucase(Varletter) Then
WScript.Echo strItem
End if
wscript.echo "list TS variable: " &Varletter
For each v in env1.GetVariables
If Ucase(Left(v,varlen)) = Ucase(Varletter) Then
WScript.Echo v & " = " & env1(v)
End if
End if
End If
End If
Hey Alex,
Thank you for that very useful script!
I have repostet it on my german blog volzit,de (
is that okay for you?
thank you
Hi Alexander, that is fine. Thanks for linking back.
Have a good day