Here’s a small script I just wrote to perform an antivirus scan against a specified file.
@Echo off
FOR /F "Tokens=4" %%a IN (‘"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Security Client\AntiMalWare\mpcmdrun.exe" -Scan -ScanType 3 -File C:\TEMP\test1.wim -DisableRemediation’) DO SET THREAT=%%a
if "%THREAT%"=="no" (
color 2F
Echo No Threats Found – All clean
) ELSE (
color 4F
Echo WARNING! Virus Found
If all is OK you get the following result
If a virus was found you get the following result.
I used a test virus file which can be found here
Why was my question deleted? In what was was it inappropriate?
Hi Chris, not sure why/what happened, can you repost please?