Here’s a small batch script to get the Windows 7 Boot time shown in milliseconds.
@echo off
FOR /F "Tokens=4" %%a IN (‘%windir%\system32\wevtutil.exe qe Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance/Operational /rd:true /f:Text /c:1 /q:"*[System[(EventID = 100)]]" /e:Events ^| FIND "Duration"’) DO SET BTIME=%%a
ECHO Boot Time is : %BTIME%
Inspiration for this script came from the article Monitor System Startup Performance in Windows 7 written by Sean Wheeler for WindowsITPro.
What is “qe” and why is there a ‘ before %windir%?
Okay I see. qe is the command and converting the curled quotes into regular quotes fixed the script.